Therapy for you.
You’re so tired.
It feels like you’ve been carrying this problem for your entire life.
The vacillating between panic, despair, and numbness.
The sense of not belonging in social groups.
The relentless mean thoughts about yourself running through your head.
Your sharp mind and sensitive heart has helped you achieve your goals. You’re praised for seeing every angle, connecting the personal and the political, and always thinking twelve steps ahead.
You’ve tried so hard to apply those skills to this problem. You’ve thought about it. Talked about it. Journaled about it. Been to therapy about it.
You could write a thesis about all ways this pattern is holding you back.
And yet.
Nothing ever changes. In fact, it’s getting worse. Now there are weird dreams, random emotions that come out of nowhere, and memories you can’t shake.
Rest is gone, self-care is gone.
There is only this phrase beating inside you like a drum.
Maybe, I just wasn’t meant to be happy.
Here is what I know for sure.
You are many things, but destined for despair is not one of them.
When we work together, we will
Reconnect your brilliant mind with your body and heart, so they can work together to feel better.
Practice tangible ways to settle your nerves, and wake up your energy. No matter what you’re feeling, you can come back to balance.
Learn how to rest.
Go deep, and then even deeper, into your past to see what wisdom it has for us.
Channel that wisdom into a future of playful possibility.
PS. The idea that your life could actually be different can be scary to contemplate.
When you consider reaching out to me, you might freeze up and feel overwhelmed. A small part of you might think:
Better to not do anything, than risk it not working out.
I get it.
Take some breaths; notice the fear, the excitement, the stuckness. Let your mind do what it does best, and invite your heart to weigh in too.
I’ll be here when you’re ready.